

Department of Geology

Minutes of Meetings

Minutes of Joint Administrative and Academic Committee (JAAC)

EFFLUENTS" funding at Ministry of Mines, Govt. of India under SATYABHAMA programme

Click here to view: Minutes of Joint Administrative and Academic Committee (JAAC)

  Dated: 12/04/2022
1. 13/02/2025Minutes of JAAC dated 13.02.2025 regarding Ex India Duty leave of Prof. Gurmeet Kaur from 17 to 21.03.2025
2. 13/02/2025Minutes of JAAC held on 07.02.2025 at 12:00 Noon
3. 07/02/2025Minutes of JAAC Reg. Dr. Mohd Waqas to apply for a CSIR-RA research under the supervision of Dr. B.P. Singh
4. 23/01/2025Minutes of the meeting of Technical-cum-Purchase Committee held on 21.01.2025
5. 13/01/2025Minutes of meeting of Academic Committee meeting dated 10.1.2025
6. 13/01/2025Minutes of meeting of Administrative Committee meeting dated 10.1.2025
7. 13/01/2025Minutes of meeting of JAAC dated 10.1.2025
8. 13/01/2025minutes of the Technical Committee meeting held on 10.1.2025
9. 11/12/2024JAAC dt 28..11.2024 reg. distinguished almunus award to Dr. Avinash Chandra Nanda and Dr. Niranjan Singh Virdi
10. 11/12/2024Minutes of meeting of JAAC dated 3.12.2024 reg.change of Co-guide
11. 04/12/2024Dr.Debabrata Das's leave
12. 02/12/2024Minutes of meeting JAAC dated 28.11.2024
13. 27/11/2024Minutes of JAAC dated 27.11.2024
14. 19/11/2024jaac 11.11.2024 reg field tours and M.SC II field oriented project work
15. 25/10/2024Minutes of meeting of JAAC Held on 23.10.2024
16. 18/10/2024Minutes of meeting of JAAC Held on 15.10.2024
17. 18/10/2024Minutes of meeting of Faculty of the Department Held on 27.09.2024
18. 18/10/2024Minutes of meeting of JAAC Held on 23.09.2024
19. 24/09/2024Minutes of meeting for selection of President and Secretary (CHASCON) Held on 18.09.2024
20. 11/09/2024minutes jaac dt 5.9.2024 through circulation reg.Dr.Das's Ex-india EL and DL
21. 28/08/2024RAC held on 22.8.2024
22. 28/08/2024JAAC held on 20.8.2024
23. 14/08/2024RDC MoM for registration and synopsis of Mr. Prakash Tiwari
24. 14/08/2024time table july 2024
25. 12/08/2024Ms. Manisha's conversion pf Ph.D from full time to part-time
26. 06/08/2024Minutes of JAAC dated 31.07.2024 at 2:00 PM
27. 01/08/2024jaac 31.7.2024 reg.Mr.Sarabjit Singh extension in thesis submission
28. 01/08/2024jaac dt 31.7.2024 in circulation Dr. Mahesh Thakur for DST project
29. 23/07/2024Minutes of the selection committee held on 15.07.2024 for recruitment of Junior Research Felloe
30. 23/07/2024Minutes of meeting of JAAC Held on 19.07.2024
31. 09/07/2024Minutes RDC (Ms. Anjali's case)
32. 18/06/2024Ms. Anjali Ph.D submission
33. 18/06/2024Ms.Anjali's MON dt 18.4.2024
34. 27/05/2024MINUTES JAAC 27.5.2024
35. 21/05/2024Ex-Indsia Duty and Station leave to Prof. Patnaik from 7.6.24 to 6.7.24
36. 20/05/2024minutes RAC 20.5.24 PhD thesis work presentation of Ms. Shefali Chander
37. 15/05/2024jaac through circulation dt 15.5.2024 submission of R&D proposal at HRDG, CSIR. New Delhi
38. 06/05/2024jaac dt 29.4.2024 ex-india leave of prof. rajeev patnailk from 7.6.24 to 6.7.24
39. 10/04/2024Prof. Gurmeet Kaur's duty leave
40. 05/04/2024JAAC minutes, Dr.Das's duty leave
41. 02/04/2024jaac and letter to VC reg purchase of new projectors
42. 01/04/2024opening of quotations for hiring tempo traveller
43. 23/02/2024JAAC minutes dated 22.2.2024 reg.Dr.Seema Singh's CCL
44. 14/02/2024JAAC through circulation 9.2.2024 reg Mr. Prakash Tiwari's synopsis approval
45. 13/02/2024jaac through circulation dt 13.2.2024 duty leave of Dr.Mahesh Thakur
46. 01/02/2024JAAc through circulation on 1.2.2024 duty leave of Prof. Rajeev Patnaik
47. 01/02/2024JAAc through circulation on 1.2.2024 duty leave of Prof. Naveen Chaudhri & Prof. Parampreet Kaur
48. 01/02/2024Minutes JAAC through circulation on 24.1.2024 reg.duty leave to attend IUGS executive committee
49. 01/02/2024Minutes jAAC duty leave of Dr. Mahesh Thakur from 21 Jan to 31 Jan 2024
50. 30/01/2024minutges jAAC 30.1.2024 reg.Dr.Mahesh Thakur's duty leave from 21 jan to 31 jan2024
51. 29/01/2024jaac held on 24.1.2024 to allow duty leave of Prlf.Gurmeet to attend IUGS
52. 16/01/2024JAAC meeting held on 14.9.2023 reg.registration of Ms. Jagjeet Kaur & Shubhaam Chaudhary in Ph.D
53. 18/12/2023RAC Minutes dated 18/12/23
54. 12/12/2023Minutes of Jaac Committee dated 12.12.2023 regarding Honours & Incentives to non teaching employees
55. 11/12/2023Minutes of JAAC Geology Department regarding appointment of new Supervisor to Mr. Jugraj Singh due to sad demise of his previous Supervisor.
56. 07/12/2023Minutes of RDC Committee
57. 01/12/2023Minutes of Jaac Committee 1/12/23
58. 01/12/2023JAAC minutes through Circulation 1-12-23
59. 16/11/2023Minutes of RAC Meeting held on 16-11-2023
60. 16/11/2023Minutes of Meeting held on 15-11-2023
61. 02/11/2023Minutes of Jaac Committee
62. 27/10/2023JAAC MINUTES HELD ON 25.10.23
63. 10/10/2023minutes jaac 10.10.2023 through circulation
64. 20/09/2023minutes jaac through circulation dt 20.9.2023 reg. approval/recommendation for the synopsis of Mr. Mohd. Munajir Chauhan
65. 18/09/2023JAAC 14.9.23 Ph.D registration of Ms. Jagjeet & Mr.Shubham
66. 15/09/2023JAAC Dr.Susanta's project meeting through circulation 15.9.2022
67. 14/09/2023withdrawal of co-supervision of Ph.D Research Scholar, Ms. Parminder Kaur
68. 14/09/2023Minutes of Technical Cum- Purchase Committee through Circulation
69. 06/09/2023Minutes technical-cum Purchaase Committee held on 1.9.23
70. 06/09/2023Minutes of JAAC held on17.8.2023 reg in person workshop of Dr. Mahesh as PI
71. 05/09/2023jaac dated 29.8.2023
72. 23/08/2023JAAC regarding Dr. Debabrata Das' MoU betwen PU and DRM
73. 17/08/2023ao porposal for capacity building in space based disaster management support (Dr.Mahesh Thakur)
75. 08/08/2023JAAC reg.recommendation of NPDF application ofd Dr. Mohd Waqas and Dr. Nongmaithem Amardas Singh
76. 08/08/2023JAAC minujtes reg.sanchit garg's resignation from Ph.D.
77. 02/08/2023jaac 2.8.2023 by circulation reg. Ms. Meghna Kumari applying for DST-WISE Ph.D project
78. 28/07/2023Mom dated 27.7.2023 for time-table and Mr.Vijender's case for honours/incentive
79. 21/07/2023minutes of technical held on 21.7.2023 at 12.00 noon
80. 19/07/2023Minutes of Jaac Committee reg Dr.Das project held on 13.7.2023
81. 08/06/2023minutes of technical-cum-purchase committee held on 5.6.2023 at 11.00 a.m.
82. 17/05/2023Presentation of Ph.d synopsis of Mohd. Munazir Chauhan and Mr. Raj Kiran Dhiman
83. 09/05/2023minutes of technical-cum-purchase committee for opening tender
84. 01/05/2023minutes jaac dt 22.3.2023 by circulation reg synopsis of Mr. Raj Kiran & Mr. Mohd. Munazir Chauhan
85. 01/05/2023Minutes of Jaac Committee dt 29.3.2023 by circulation
86. 22/03/2023minutes of technical held on 15.3.2023 reg open of technical bids of tender (174/G dt 15.2.23
87. 22/03/2023JAAC by circulation on 15.3.2023 to approve Raj Kiran's request to recommend Dr. Franck Bourrier as his co-supervisor
88. 14/03/2023Minutes of Meeting
89. 14/03/2023minutes of the meeting of Technical-cum-Purchase Committee through circulation on 27.2.2023
90. 10/03/2023JAAC Minutes 10.03.2023
91. 27/02/2023jaac held on 23.2.2023 reg. enrolment for Ph.D registration of Mr. Ramkrishna Mondal
92. 23/02/2023MoM JAAC 23.2.23 for adding co-supervisor, Mr. Raj Kiran Dhiman
93. 23/02/2023seminar on 24th Fabruary 2023 at 11:00 a.m. in the seminar hall of the deptt.
94. 22/02/2023reg. bills for field tours & GeM portal purchases
95. 21/02/2023Minutes JAAC Dr.Susanta Paikaray applying for R&D project
96. 09/02/2023minutes technical Committee Dr.Das's project
97. 09/02/2023minutes of jAAC through circulation for Dr. Susanta Paikaray's project
98. 08/02/2023minutes jaac 08.02.2023 plan of academic & research activities
99. 06/02/2023Secretaries of academic and administrative committee-2023
100. 02/02/2023Minutes of JAAC held on 20.1.2023
101. 20/01/2023Minutes of Jaac Committee
102. 30/12/2022Minutes of Jaac Committee
103. 30/12/2022Minutes of Jaac Committee
104. 30/12/2022Minutes of JAAC Committee.
105. 27/12/2022Minutes of Jaac Committee of the deptt. to convert Mr. Karanveer from regular to part-time
106. 14/12/2022Minutes of Jaac Committee
107. 14/12/2022Minutes of JAAC Committee.
108. 14/12/2022Minutes of Jaac Committee
109. 07/12/2022Minutes of JAAC Committee
110. 29/11/2022Minutes of Technical-cum-Purchase Committee
111. 29/11/2022Minutes of Technical cum Purchase Committee
112. 04/11/2022Minutes of JAAC Committee
113. 31/10/2022Minutes of faculty of the department
114. 31/10/2022Minutes of JAAC Committee
115. 28/10/2022Minutes of Technical-cum-Purchase Committee meeting dated 28.10.2022
116. 13/10/2022Minutes of JAAC Committee
117. 30/09/2022Minutes of JAAC dated 29.09.2022
118. 30/09/2022Minutes of JAAC Committee
119. 29/09/2022Minutes of Technical-cum-Purchase Committee
120. 29/09/2022Minutes of JAAC Committee
121. 28/09/2022Minutes of JAAC Committee
122. 28/09/2022Minutes of JAAC Committee
123. 20/09/2022Minutes of JAAC Committee
124. 14/09/2022Minutes of Technical-cum-Purchase Committee
125. 02/09/2022Technical-cum-Purchase committee to approve the evaluation of the bidders
126. 29/08/2022Minutes of JAAC Meeting
127. 24/08/2022Minutes of Technical-cum-Purchase Committee
128. 16/08/2022Minutes of meeting of Jaak
129. 04/08/2022Minutes of JAAC Meeting dated 04.08.2022
130. 29/07/2022Minutes of the meeting of JAAC dated 28.07.2022
131. 05/07/2022Minutes of Technical-cum-Purchase Committee held on 27/06/2022
132. 28/06/2022Meeting regarding IQAC
133. 28/06/2022Meeting regarding NEP
134. 20/06/2022Minutes of JAAC Meeting dated 10.06.2022
135. 06/06/2022Minutes of meeting of Technical-cum- Purchases Committee
136. 24/05/2022Minutes of Technical-cum-Purchase Committee
137. 20/05/2022Minutes of JAAC Meeting dated 19.05.2022
138. 11/05/2022Minutes of Jaac Committee
139. 10/05/2022Minutes of Jaac Committee
140. 04/05/2022Minutes of meeting of Technical cum Purchase Committee
141. 04/05/2022Minutes of Jaac Committee
142. 04/05/2022Minutes of Jaac Committee
143. 29/04/2022Minutes of Technical-Cum-Purchase Committee
144. 26/04/2022Minutes of Jaac Committee
145. 26/04/2022Minutes of Jaac Committee
146. 04/04/2022Minutes of meeting of Technical cum Purchase Committee
147. 04/04/2022Minutes of Jaac Committee
148. 24/03/2022Minutes of Jaac Committee
149. 24/03/2022Minutes of Jaac Committee
150. 16/03/2022Minutes of meeting of Jaak
151. 04/03/2022Minutes of meeting of Technical cum Purchase Committee
152. 23/02/2022Minutes of Jaac Committee
153. 23/02/2022Minutes of meeting of Technical cum Purchase Committee
154. 15/02/2022Minutes of Jaac Committee
155. 10/02/2022Minutes of meeting of Technical cum Purchase Committee
156. 21/01/2022Minutes of Jaac Committee
157. 18/01/2022Minutes of Jaac Committee
158. 18/01/2022Minutes of Jaac Committee
159. 13/10/2021Minutes of Jaac Committee
160. 28/09/2021Minutes of Space Audit Committee
161. 28/09/2021Minutes of meeting of Jaak
162. 14/09/2021Minutes of meeting of Administrative Committee
163. 09/09/2021Minutes of meeting of Technical cum Purchase Committee
164. 07/09/2021Mintues of technical cum purchase comm.
165. 31/08/2021Mintues of technical cum purchase comm.
166. 31/08/2021Minutes of jaac meeting
167. 24/08/2021Minutes of the Space Audit Committee Meeting dated 13.08.2021
168. 18/08/2021Mintues of technical cum purchase comm.
169. 18/08/2021Minutes of jaac meeting
170. 18/08/2021Minutes of meeting of Administrative & Academic
171. 18/08/2021Minutes of meeting of Administrative & Academic
172. 13/08/2021Minutes of meeting of Jaak
173. 13/08/2021Minutes of meeting of Academic Committees
174. 13/08/2021Minutes of meeting of Jaak
175. 30/07/2021Minutes of jaac meeting
176. 30/07/2021Mintues of technical cum purchase comm.
177. 30/07/2021Minutes of jaac meeting
178. 28/07/2021Minutes of jaac meeting
179. 26/07/2021Minutes of meeting of Joint Administrative and Academic Committees
180. 26/07/2021Minutes of meeting of Joint Administrative and Academic Committees
181. 26/07/2021Minutes of meeting of Academic Committees
182. 26/07/2021Minutes of meeting of Academic Committees
183. 26/07/2021Minutes of meeting of Administrative and Academic Committees
184. 26/07/2021Minutes of meeting of the Faculty on 16/04/2021
185. 27/02/2020minutes of jaac meeting
186. 20/02/2020mintues of tech. comm.
187. 20/02/2020minutes of jaac meeting

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