

Department of Geology


1. 10/01/2025quotations to hire 40 seater bus for field tour from 23.1.2025 to 30.1.2025
2. 10/01/2025quotations are invited to hire a 15-seater Tempo Traveller from 26.1.2025 tro 01.02.2025
3. 20/02/2024Quotation for hiring 15 seater tempo traveller
4. 21/07/2023NOTICE INVITING TENDER FOR SUPPLY OF Vibrating wire sensor module for collecting data from VW piezometers and should be able to transmit the data wirelessly to Gateway
5. 08/06/2023NOTICE INVITING TENDER FOR SUPPLY OF Vibrating wire sensor module for collecting data from VW pieZometers and should be ableto transmit the data wirelessly to Gateway
6. 26/05/2023Notice inviting Tender for the supply of Vibrating wire sensor module for collecting data from VW piezometers
7. 15/05/2023Tender for supply of Vibrating wire sensor module for collecting data
8. 04/05/2023NIT for Supply of Certified/ Standard Reference Materials Trace Element in Coal subbituminous (1635a)
9. 04/05/2023NIT for Supply of Certified/ Standard Reference Materials Trace Element in
10. 17/02/2023Notice Inviting Tender for Supply of Certified/ Standard Reference Materials
11. 23/07/2021NOTICE INVITING TENDER FOR SUPPLY: Vibratory Sieve Shaker with Accessories
12. 25/06/2021Tender for purchasing one printer (B&W)
13. 07/06/2021Tender for purchase of laptop (one)
15. 20/02/2020Quotation for hire of two 16- seater Tempo Travellers
16. 20/01/2020Notice inviting Quotations for High Capacity Sieve Shaker
17. 22/11/2019Notice Inviting Quotation For Mobile Workstation
18. 07/11/2019Revised Notice Inviting Quotations for Mobile Workstation
19. 07/11/2019Revised Notice Inviting Quotations for Mobile Workstation
20. 06/11/2019Notice Inviting Quotations for Mobile Workstation
21. 01/03/2019Quotations are invited for rate per sample for dating of OSL samples.
22. 01/10/2018Quotations for supply of one licence for surfer software
23. 01/10/2018Quotations are invited as in two bid system for the supply of One Workstation (along-with accessories).
24. 20/09/2018Quotations are invited for the supply of One LCD Projector.
25. 30/08/2018Tender documents for supply, installation and commissioning of Atomic Absorption Spectrometer (AAS)
26. 13/07/2018Quotations are invited as in two bid system for the supply of One DSLR Camera
27. 14/05/2018Quotations are invited for the supply of One Split Invertor AC (last date 28.5.2018 upto 5.00 p.m.)
28. 10/05/2018Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of Labtop and Printer
29. 04/05/2018Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of DSLR camera
30. 12/04/2018Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of Split Inverter A.C. (last date 30.4.2018)
31. 23/08/2017 Notice Inviting Quotation for allotment of Canteen (Last date 1.9.2017)
32. 01/08/2017Auction of Jeep CH01G-1629 (LAST DATE 17.8.2017 )
33. 21/07/2017Quotations for one Laptop (Last date: 11-8-2017)
34. 17/07/2017NIQ for allotment of departmental canteen (Geology) Last Date 27.7.2017
35. 06/06/2017Quotations for Printer (Quantity one) (Late date 28.6.2017)
36. 06/06/2017Quotations for One Laptop ( Late date 28.6.2017)
37. 25/05/2017NIQ for allotment of departmental canteen (Geology) Last Date 9.6.2017
38. 11/05/2017Quotations are invitred for the supply of a DSLR camera (last date: 31-5-2017)
39. 11/05/2017Quotations are invitred for the supply of a handheld GPS (last date: 31-5-2017)
40. 21/04/2017Quotations are invited for the supply of Tele Lens for DSLR Camera ( Last Date 1.5.2017)
41. 17/04/2017Quotations are invited for the supply of Macro Lens for DSLR Camera ( Last Date 27.4.2017)
42. 09/03/2017Tender for Integrated total station (last date 10-4-2017)
43. 13/02/2017Quotations for Stable Isotope Analyses of 120 samples (Last date: 19-2-2017)
45. 15/12/2016Tender document for Integrated Total Station (Last date 20.1.2017)
46. 02/12/2016Quotation for the supply of a MicroJack (Last date 16.12..2016)
47. 27/10/2016Quotation for the supply of a Micro Jack (Last date 16.11.2016)
48. 20/10/2016 Quotationsfor the supply of a DSLR Camera(Last date 5.11.2016)
49. 26/07/2016Quotation for a DSLR Camera (5-8-2016)
50. 26/07/2016Quotation for a BUEHLER ISOMET 1000 Precisopn Saw( last date 5-8-2016
51. 14/06/2016Quotation for Rocscience Software(Academic Bundle)Last date 3-7-2016
52. 01/06/2016Quotations invited for a Laptop Computer (last date:15-6-2016)
53. 01/06/2016Quotations invited for a BUEHLER ISOMET 1000 Precision Saw(last date:20-6-2016)
54. 01/06/2016Quotations invited for Air Compressor(last date:20-6-2016
55. 01/06/2016Quotations invited for DSLR Camera (last date:15-6-2016)
56. 12/05/2016Quotations are invited for the supply of a Micro Jack (Last date 30.5.2016)
57. 12/05/2016Quotations are invited for the supply of a Laptop Computer ( Last date 20.5.2016)
58. 12/05/2016Quotations are invited for the supply of a BUEHLER ISOMET 1000 Precision Saw (Last date 30.5.2016)
59. 12/05/2016Quotations are invited for the supply of an Air Compressor (Last date 30.5.2016)
60. 12/05/2016Quotations are invited for the supply of a DSLR Camera (Last date 20.5.2016)
61. 11/04/2016Quotation for the puchase of Micoscope (Late date :05-05-2016)
63. 21/01/2015Purchase of Petrological (Polarsing) Microscopes (Last date for reciept of quotation 6-2-2015)

Enquiry No(s): 1800-180-2065, +91 172 2534818, 2534866 (from 9:30 am to 1:00 pm & 2:30 pm to 5:00 pm on working days )

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